On the way home earlier.
I sat next to this really small
ACS Primary boy in the bus.
He fell asleep, and i ended
up having his head on my shoulders
all the way til i reached home.
His head kept going here and there,
up and down, to and fro. It was
hilarious, at the same time, cute.
But i just continued listening to
my MP3 anyways :D
Anyways. School has been good too!
Went for training yesterday. Really
had fun especially with my DATE around.
We were practically playing and laughing
throughout the whole training. Mr Tan
with his funny names for me. Seems like
he calls me a different name every week.
And at the rate Yusoff decides NOT to turn
up for every single SS lesson, i am definitely
gonna fail my SS again. I wonder why Eugenia
Lee-Tan actually passed us to Yusoff.
Reminds me of my sec two days, when Yusoff was
form teacher. She was absent ALL THE TIME, that
majella, andrea and lynette actually took down
those days when she was absent and counted them.
Haha. Those were the GOOD OLD days.
Today was funny.
Three people decides to turn up in school
They are ME, Sarah and Nat.
Hahah! :D
Saturday was DAD'S birthday! It was GREAT! :D
Mom treated us (The sisters, aunties, grandaunt
and DAD) dinner at some high class restaurant which
she had booked. So as a result, I wore a dress.
Yes, a dress. Havent been wearing dresses for a really
long time. Definitely felt weird.
Gave DAD his present from the three of us (The sisters)

The card, a packet of 50 folded hearts, and a CD.
He liked it! :) Well, the thought counts.
The inside of the card;

The packet of hearts;

And finally, the CD;
His all time favourite..

After which DAD drove us all to the esplanade
for a nice good stroll. By the time we reached
esplanade, it was about eleven plus. Left around
twelve thirty. All in all, i had fun! Truckloads
of fun! Took truckloads of pictures. They'll be
up soon on the photoblog! (:
Oh and before i leave and forget!
EVERYONE! Here's my photoblog!
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